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Dr. Sandra Cleveland

“Working in your gifts so that your gifts will work for you” is one of the many gems I’ve mined from Dr. Viola’s program. As a result, I’m refining programs that better align with my customers’ needs and my gifts. The community she has created is focused, fun, and favored.

Dr. Vanessa Shaw

VP nursing has allowed us the opportunity to flourish not only from a business aspect but even more so from a personal aspect. I came to VP nursing seeking knowledge on entrepreneurship; however, I gained so much more. I gained a sisterhood, insight about your target customer, accountability, and a wealth of knowledge on successfully starting and maintaining a business from day to day out. By joining VP nursing I was able to leave a position that no longer served me nor provided value to my life! So with all that said “try VP nursing,” I guarantee you will be amazed and most of all sustain a very successful nursing business!


Kimberly Hinton

The VP Nursing Program is a "hidden treasure" unknown to many. As an enrollee in the program, I have been blessed by its CEO & Founder Dr. Viola Pierce. My perspective & knowledge of self, possibility vs. reality, & entrepreneurship have changed thanks to the coaching, mentoring, & knowledge provided by Dr. Pierce.

Carnisa Berry

I started working with Viola in late November. She immediately encouraged me to increase my coaching prices. Her encouragement gave me the confidence to rethink my worth and increase my prices. I thought I would lose my clients once they learned of my new pricing structure. However, two have agreed to pay my higher price. In less than a month, I've earned more than I had in the 6 months previous. Coach Viola's spirit has empowered me to grow my business to new heights in a short time. My business and I have grown to a new level because of her coaching program. It's been the best investment I've ever made.


Vanessa Ann Davis

The VP Nursing program is totally designed for every nurse to win! Dr. V. brings value & empowers nurses to transition from a nurse employee mindset towards working for yourself mindset. Her belief, enthusiasm, & expertise ignites a bond of support & celebrated victories among everyone within the coaching group!



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